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15 Blessings To Help You Laugh & Prosper.

H appiness depends upon your outlook on life;
A ttitude is just as important as ability;
P assion is a sister of success. May you find yours this year!
P ositive thoughts make everything easier;
Y ou are unique, with special gifts: use them;

N ew beginnings are now. Start your new life today!
E nthusiasm is the foundation of happiness. Got joy?
W ishes are good. Plans to implement them are better.

Y oke yourself to something higher. May you find happiness within;
E nergy is the spice of life. May you have lots of it;
A ppreciate that life is what you make it: choose happiness!;
R elax (sleep) & laugh lots. It’s really good for you!

“Let us forget the sorrows of the past and make up our minds not to dwell on them in the New Year. With determination and unflinching will, let us renew our lives, our good habits, and our successes. If the last year has been hopelessly bad, the New Year must be hopefully good.” — Paramahansa Yogananda.