I want to cry. Sometimes beauty is just too much to take. Here is a collection of short videos that illustrate the infinite potential of human creativity. Some are done by professionals who obviously put a lot of thought into their act. Others are impromptu recordings of events that just “manifested” and will never be again. They perfectly illustrate the poetry by Thomas Gray “Full many a gem of purest ray serene / The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear: / Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, / And waste its sweetness on the desert air.”
The point is that Life is for the living. Express yourself! It is easy to survive, and the only way to thrive is to copycat a key quality of the Divine: childlike playfulness, always here, always now.
Incredible Shadow Art Dance (video above) In this amazing performance, a group of dancers shape their bodies into birds, the Oscar statuette, and more.
A Capella Math Song Who says math is boring? An a capella troupe sings a fun and informative love song featuring tons of math terminology.
YouTube Collaborative Virtual Choir A beautiful chorus performance, created from hundreds of separate YouTube recordings.
A bizarre and whimsical street musician performs in Portugal:
YouTube Collaborative Rap: 8 people with 5 instruments originally from 4 Continents speaking 3 languages for 1 song.
Another impressive street artist plays the drums on empty buckets:
Ice Cream Acrobat: there is more than 1 way to sell ice-cream…
A violinist plays to the tune of “Super Mario”:
How to use “Super Mario” in a classroom setting as a powerful way to teach your students about new media & team work:
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