Laughter Research

Laughter Research, Science and Benefits | Studies on Happiness and Laugh Yoga from the American School Of Laughter Yoga

Workplace Stress: The Efficacy of Laughter Yoga on IT Professionals to Overcome Professional Stress

In an observational study of 200 healthy normotensive IT call- center workers in Mumbai, India, 20-minute laugh-yoga sessions were associated with significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, Madan Kataria, M.D., reported at the American Society of Hypertension meeting. The conclusion of the study are that Laughter Yoga can result in increased productivity and quality of work, better communication and interpersonal relationships, and a more harmonious workplace.

Social Skills: Laughter acts as a social lubricant by enhancing a sense of group identity among strangers.

A study from psychologists at the universities of Kent and Liverpool has revealed that laughter increases altruism towards strangers, a finding which may have important implications for charities and other fundraising bodies. The study, conducted by Professor Mark van Vugt, Charlie Hardy, Julie Stow and Professor Robin Dunbar (University of Liverpool), was designed to examine if laughter acts as a social lubricant by enhancing a sense of group identity among strangers.

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