Dear Laughter Friends…

I just had to share this huge AHA moment with you…and who knows where it will go…

I have had some challenges adjusting to increased neighbor noise where I moved to in August. I LOVE my little tree house place and wanted it to be quiet and peaceful at all times. Not so. There’s a barking dog, phones ringing, the laundry room nearby and downstairs neighbors who gutted their place, seem to be in never-ending remodeling mode AND are ambassadors for IKEA buying everything that “REQUIRES ASSEMBLY”.

So, after weeks of feeling “put upon” and definitely stressed, our gathering inspired me with an idea. Yesterday I decided to contribute my own noise to the neighborhood! Yes, indeed folks I am going at this with gusto–like BIG TIME! I am laughing loudly whenever I feel like it which is very often!

When I told my LY class this morning how I was using laughter to “respond” to the neighbors rather than “react”…they roared with delight. AND…who knows…I just may be starting an “informal” laughter yoga class right here in the building. When the neighbors hear me laughing…maybe they will laugh too…imagine that!

With light, love and laughter,
