It’s time to get serious everyone! ! !

Well with around seven weeks to go until the events in August it’s time to get serious. Ask yourself the following question. How far do I want to go with Laughter Yoga? How much a part of my life is it going to be? How much will my life be enhanced by going to the next level? Am I overstating this? Maybe not. Sebastien Gendry, the founder of the American School of Laughter Yoga, said in New Mexico last year. “After eight years I thought I knew it all…I was only scratching the surface” And I agree.

Training with Dr Kataria

I have completed and/or been involved with the Good Doctor’s 5 day training on four or five occasions now. Every time my own life, along with the folks who attend, have been changed in some way. To be present with this amazing man who has been travelling the world establishing a worldwide social movement for the last 16 years is amazing. Why not come along and learn about the spirituality of Laughter Yoga from the man who knows.

Pre Conference Leader Training

I would rate Sebastien Gentry from Los Angeles as number 2 in the rankings of people who have an intricate knowledge of Laughter Yoga…just behind the Good Doctor. Having spent the last five years as a full time Laughter Yoga trainer, and established the American School of Laughter Yoga, his passion and knowledge is unsurpassed. Even if you’ve done leader training before I would highly recommend doing it again with Sebastien. I can guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed. More information about Sebastien can be found at

Post Conference Business Training

People get opportunities to present a laughter session to a variety of groups for a variety of reasons. They will often be confused about how much if anything to charge, how to get more gigs, how to know what to ask the client before they do the work etc. With this in mind and using my extensive business knowledge over more that 35 years I have put together a 1 day business training course. This course will give you tools and hints and tips to be able to position and then present your self to businesses to enable you to get more work for more money more often.

The 6th Australasian Conference

The Conference itself allows us to share and brainstorm ideas with folks from all over Australia and overseas. Always interactive it gives us all the opportunity to discuss ways of promoting the movement. Having just spoken to the Good Doctor this morning I can now confirm that there will be some new and exciting news about Laughter Yoga Australia that will be launched at the Conference. Ya wooden wanna miss it ! ! ! (ha ha ha).

The All American Conference

Then just one month after all of our events there is the All American Conference that this year is being held in San Diego. As the Australian dollar is strong at present if anyone would like to pick up a cheap air ticket and join me that would be GRRREAT.