
LOL: Why You Should Laugh Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

For family caregivers, the mountains of laundry, the endless messes that need cleaned up, the rushing to doctor's appointments, the complete surrender of one's personal life and the painful process of watching a loved one's decline is no laughing matter. You may feel like crying more often than you feel like laughing.

CBS2 NYC: Cure What Ails You With Laughter Yoga

[...] Dr. Charles Schaefer, of Fairleigh Dickinson University, said he’s not surprised that laughing yoga has caught on. He studied similar laughter and found that people who laughed heartily, for no reason and for just one minute, had a significant increase in mood. “I don’t think the body cares what the stimulus is, as long as you do that with hearty laughter,” Dr. Schaefer said.

Let’s relieve the stress with laughter!

In recent years, laughter has become more and more popular as a cure-all. In fact, it may be the next big thing. Laughter yoga clubs have been popping up everywhere. There is some bite behind the bark. Laughter has been scientifically proven to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Laughing also is a relatively intense cardio workout. It works the core quite thoroughly. Furthermore, melancholy is less common among laughers than non-laughers.

News: (Toronto, Canada) Getting fit can be child’s play

Quick: do you think working out is fun? If you're groaning at the thought of your next appointment with the treadmill, you may want to rejig your attitude towards getting in shape. Having fun with your exercise regime can be good for the head and the bod, says YuMee Chung, a Toronto yoga instructor who says her fitness routine these days is less and less about going to the gym and more about play.

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